Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Plus-Sized Panties & the Confident Woman

Posted by I'm Me at 12:58 AM
It can be a challenge to feel sexy in your skin when you are convinced that you have too much of it. You may constantly critique your body with the overcritical eye of a sculptor who can’t quite seem to get her figure right. What you perceive of as imperfections may not even be apparent to anyone else, but will be all you can see when you examine yourself. Modern global society gives status to the thin, tan and toned female body.

If we check in with the 24-7 Inadequacy Media Feed we find that women should be hairless except for our thick, sleek straight to wavy manes and long luscious eyelashes. Our eyebrows like our clothes must always be in fashion. Tiny noses, huge eyes and high cheekbones just aren’t enough without a dewy prepubescent skin texture. Our legs must be long, our shoulders and hips not too broad, and our butts must be high and firm. Our lips must be pouty and full, our teeth sparkling white and straight with no gaps, and our breasts… don’t even get me started on what it takes to have a perfect set of mammaries! The supposed list for perfection is endless and tiring. It requires an extremely strong woman to truly personally reject the thousands of messages both subtle and overt which are intercepted on a daily basis guiding us all toward the misery of somehow failing to meet the ideal.

Even if we are thin, tanned and toned we will otherwise somehow fall short of the mark. The truth we often forget in our omnipresent fugue of inadequacy is there is no ideal woman. Every one of us is too much of this and not enough of that. Perfection can only describe the ultimate you, for you and by you. There are plenty of perfect women and every one of us has the potential to be perfect. Let go a little. If you love yourself, enjoy your body and learn to feel at home in it you will realize that you are already effortlessly perfect in every way.
Lingerie can be magical. In everyday situations it is not seen but it is felt, and not only by the wearer. Your bra and panties can be just the stuff you wear under your clothes to protect them and to provide modesty and shape. …Lingerie can also be a source of power that fuels your confidence with sensual good feeling! As you dress each morning never forget that the right lingerie can make or break any given day.

Feeling good is the surest way to look good. And why stop with a bra and panty? If your outfit calls for stockings why not try a bodystocking ? The fabulous feel of some silky hose is delightful, but the sensation of stockings all over your body? What fun! You’ll carry that good feeling throughout your day quietly while its secret source powers your attractiveness! A thong or a boy cut panty can liberate you from underwear elastic which is quite literally a pinching pain in the butt! Not to mention that the proper panty can eliminate unnecessarily obvious lines under slacks. Confidence feels amazing!

Lingerie made of fine fabrics which feel sensational next to the skin and in styles which do not cut into your flesh, cause odd bulges or otherwise create discomfort are what is needed to boost your underclothes confidence! Knowing what you need is half the battle. Finding it can be quite the undertaking as well, but don’t despair! The lingerie hunt is worth the rewards: attractiveness, comfort and confidence.
Style is a deeply individual decision which can reflect your personality or project a desired image. Before concerning yourself with what your style says about you, it would be best that you understand what types of pieces and cuts will suit your body shape and present it in a way which is consistent with your overall goal of feeling good in your own skin.

For the woman with soft spots – and I’m pretty sure that’s most of us – try to avoid pinching, cinching or restricting them! Lingerie is meant to shape your body to some extent, but we’ve come a long way from the days of Victorian corsetry! Try to avoid heavily boned or firm pieces without much give such as bustiers, waist cinchers, and traditional corsets. Overly structured lingerie creates problems on three fronts. First: it hurts! If your lingerie rubs your skin raw, limits your breathing capacity or creates gastric problems when worn for anything more than an hour it is doing physical damage! Second: if it hurts, you can be sure that other people will notice that you are not feeling your best. Your lingerie discomfort can be read as anything from grumpiness to downright bitchery and will act as a repellent rather than an attractor of positive exchanges and experiences. Third: if your lingerie is squeezing you in somewhere it is certainly creating unsightly bulges somewhere else. A measure of underwire in your bra may be acceptable to you but lumpy, grumpy and in pain should never be on your style agenda!

Your lingerie should smooth and enhance your feminine form. If your goal is to modify your “trouble” spots stick with lingerie pieces that will do so with an even distribution of stretchy, breathable fabric. Many bodysuit, bodystocking, chemise, slip, teddy and hose selections will be perfect toward this end. Don’t be afraid to layer these kinds of pieces as long as your skin can breathe and its is comfortable to you in both a seated and standing posture. Remember that no garment will ever make you thinner, but a well chosen piece of shapewear can smooth lumpiness and enhance your confidence immensely.

Please note that when it comes to fabric selection, staying as natural and organic as possible is in your best interest. This is true for every one and is not merely a plus-sized concern. Your skin is a breathing organ and things which come into contact with it have the potential of being transmitted into your internal workings. Inhibiting the flow of oxygen to your breathing skin can cause infections. Feeding your skin with the toxic byproduct of synthetic materials can cause any number of ailments upto and including cancer, depression and the inability to lose weight.
Attraction can describe the sexual impulse toward another person. Attraction can also refer to the magnetic force that pulls oppositional charges toward one another. People have an overwhelming impulse to pair off just like magnets. If there were only certain people who were attractive, wouldn’t it follow that all the model types would be balled up in a giant cluster of hair gel and body parts while everyone else floated aimlessly about as single units? Not that everyone does pair off or even wants to but it certainly seems that we all have the ability to do so. Some people remain single by choice, leaving all of their time and energy free to devote to pursuits other than maintaining a relationship. Other people are single because they choose to work against pairing, often without realizing it. Perhaps they find reasons to push other people away out of fear or sometimes it is just a generalized sense of unworthiness.

Fear of attachment is a topic unto itself, but as for the feeling that you are somehow not good enough… Please slap yourself for me. You are perfect for someone. It might even be a couple of someones. Every time you find yourself criticizing your parts for being sub-par, stop. Then think about some part that you like or have ever received compliment for. Do this as many times as it takes to reprogram the way you regard yourself. Reinforce your positive new outlook with clothing, colors and accessories that maximize your assets. Think only good things about yourself to counteract all of the negativity that must be dodged on a daily basis. There are enough people in the world trying to tear you down – you don’t need to help them! By appreciating yourself first, your outward attractiveness will increase exponentially!

Criticism can either be negative or positive. Negative criticism serves no purpose when it is self imposed. It deconstructs and breaks down and questions things which require no examination. Negative criticism only serves to improve the ego of a person who chooses to make themselves feel better by hurting others. Only the weakest and most insecure humans engage in this kind of predatory behavior. They are thankfully easily defeated. By engaging in negative criticism they are telling those around them how insecure they are. To dominate and decimate the negative criticizer, take to heart the story of how Perseus defeated the Gorgon Medusa: with a mirror. So someone has said a hurtful thing about you. Don’t dwell on the pain. Don’t internalize their horrible comment and foster its growth with belief. Instead, realize that their fragile sense of self is predicated on the good feelings they get from hurting other people. Those who live by the sword die by the sword. All it takes is a single, well aimed put-down to haunt their dreams and self image into perpetuity should you so choose. (Of course, a great deal of strength can be had just from knowing your power and not acting on it. Maybe you won’t choose to destroy them. Maybe you are a less vindictive person than I am :)

Surrounding yourself with beauty is a source of good feeling. This should include how you choose to dress yourself, even under your clothes. If you feel good you will look good! Indulge your senses with what is beautiful to you and your inner beauty will become physically apparent.

Try to never lose sight of the fact that your perfect self can only be measured against your current self. Comparing yourself to others is a punishment that you don’t deserve and should never waste your energy on. Fashion is fundamentally fun and every woman is beautiful if only she will allow herself to be. Stop trying and start being the beautiful woman you already are!

This article has been brought to you by Wynter Stark and also by Touch of That Lingerie!
Bonus gallery of Yuko Kumada - Bikini collection:
Yoko Kumda ,bikini girl, japanese girl,japanese idol

Yoko Kumda ,bikini girl, japanese girl,japanese idol

Yoko Kumda ,bikini girl, japanese girl,japanese idol

Yoko Kumda ,bikini girl, japanese girl,japanese idol

Yoko Kumda ,bikini girl, japanese girl,japanese idol

Yoko Kumda ,bikini girl, japanese girl,japanese idol

Yoko Kumda ,bikini girl, japanese girl,japanese idol

Source Photos :http://www.japangirlpic.com/


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